Andy Kelk

Category Archives: Agile

Why would anyone go to an agile conference in 2017? As someone involved in organising an agile conference or two, that may seem like a pretty existential question. After all, one piece of research showed that two thirds of companies … Continue reading

LAST Conference has been running in Melbourne for five years and this year, for the first time, it’s coming to Sydney too. LAST is a community-run conference about Lean, Agile and Systems Thinking. The emphasis is on practitioners sharing their … Continue reading

I prefer to build long-lived teams where the same people stay together over an extended period of time. I believe in the immutable team: Teams are immutable. Every time someone leaves, or joins, you have a new team, not a … Continue reading

“Get the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats.” That’s the advice from Jim Collins in his 2002 book Good to Great. One of the findings of his … Continue reading

The advisors and chairs of Agile Australia 2016 conference themed Towards the Agile Country are looking for real stories of how products are developed in the real world. If you have a story about building things that customers really value … Continue reading

I’ve recently retweeted a few tweets which weren’t exactly complimentary about Jira. For example: Plenty of good things happened at work today. And then I heard we start using Jira. — Henri Karhatsu (@karhatsu) December 16, 2015 Very glad prominent … Continue reading

One of the teams that I’m working with came up with a great way of managing their technical debt backlog. The developers are split across five or six cross-functional teams (named after Game of Thrones families, but that’s another story). … Continue reading

Here’s the text of an email I sent to my colleagues this morning. What are you doing to celebrate World No Resources Day? Today is World No Resources Day. What does that mean? It’s a prompt to stop and think … Continue reading

Almost exactly five years ago I wrote a blog post about the power of the office environment which related to some of my experiences working at the REA Group offices with a team transitioning from traditional ways of working to … Continue reading

We’ve just allowed our teams to decide what they’re going to work on and who they’re going to work with. It was a big step but a necessary one and I want to tell you why. Background Over the last … Continue reading
