This is a paraphrasing of a talk I gave at FFS Conf Down Under in February 2019. This is about language; and when you talk about language, it’s compulsory in a talk like that to flash up a dictionary definition … Continue reading
Author Archives: Andy Kelk
About Andy Kelk
Why would anyone go to an agile conference in 2017? As someone involved in organising an agile conference or two, that may seem like a pretty existential question. After all, one piece of research showed that two thirds of companies … Continue reading
This is a paraphrasing of a talk I gave at the 2016 Melbourne CTO Summit. My Story Right now I’m a CTO but I’ve had many different roles in different companies and different countries. I’d like to take you through … Continue reading
As part of the DevFoundry event this week, I proposed to do some basic test automation of an app using Robot Framework, Appium and AWS Device Farm. Within the team we use Robot Framework as a keyword-driven tool for functional … Continue reading
LAST Conference has been running in Melbourne for five years and this year, for the first time, it’s coming to Sydney too. LAST is a community-run conference about Lean, Agile and Systems Thinking. The emphasis is on practitioners sharing their … Continue reading
This week I held an offsite for my engineering leadership team. My two aims were to do some formation activities as we have a few new faces in the team and to come away with a plan of what we … Continue reading
I prefer to build long-lived teams where the same people stay together over an extended period of time. I believe in the immutable team: Teams are immutable. Every time someone leaves, or joins, you have a new team, not a … Continue reading
“Get the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats.” That’s the advice from Jim Collins in his 2002 book Good to Great. One of the findings of his … Continue reading
The advisors and chairs of Agile Australia 2016 conference themed Towards the Agile Country are looking for real stories of how products are developed in the real world. If you have a story about building things that customers really value … Continue reading
As sometimes happens, I wanted to answer a question on Twitter but couldn’t do it justice in 140 characters. The question was this: @andykelk @auxesis @andrewjhumphrey @nxdnz @setoide Do u have people who report to u? How do u keep … Continue reading